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苹果为了Apple Watch开发的机械装置还不只是一个表冠,这款产品上很多设计都是全新的,甚至包括最外层的表带这种,比如米兰尼斯表带,这两个金属末端吸附在一起,看似简单,但又易用的设计,“我们之所以这么做,不是因为必须这样,而是因为我们相信这是正确的。”

So, with the problems above, monetary policy in China still needs quantity measures and we should do lots of preparations to fulfill the sufficient conditions for the monetary policy transformation. The crucial point is the development of the financial market system, including mature financial micro foundations, good guards of financial institutions and well functional financial product markets. Financial markets developments also promote the interest policy transmission and will ensure the success of the monetary policy transformation. With the deepening of the supply-side reform and reform in the difficult areas of hedge risks, esp. the improvements of the governmental debts and supervisory systems, we should vigorously promote price-based monetary policy transformation, with which to enhance economic and financial high quality development.

1995.12-1998.07 马鞍山市金家庄区人民检察院检察长1998.07-1999.07 马鞍山市委政法委副书记1999.07-2001.06 马鞍山市委政法委副书记、市社会治安综合治理委员会办公室主任2001.06-2001.07 马鞍山市纪委副书记、市政府纠风办主任

